Case study: Building a Performance Based Culture
Sara LaForest
Sara LaForest

Private Equity owned emerging healthcare consulting firm, serving national clientele


A private equity firm introduced us to one of their portfolio companies, an emerging high growth healthcare consulting firm, and asked us to work with the consultant company’s executive team to frame and build its company culture.

This was important for two reasons: the company was growing fast and it was growing, in part, through acquisition. The Private Equity Company and the consulting company’s executive team understood that seeding a culture was critical to their continuing success.


We interviewed each member of the executive team to better understand their thoughts on the company’s culture, their role, and how they saw the firm developing. We facilitated several work sessions with the executive team around refining who they were (as a company), where they were going (growth priorities) and identifying common values regarding what was most important to them for the company. From this a formal Mission/Purpose, Vision and Values Set was developed and embedded into the company.

Approximately six months later we conducted a climate survey with all the employees to establish a baseline understanding of how the employees viewed the company, its leadership, their satisfaction, and levels of engagement around their personal role in the company. We then facilitated several executive sessions where we presented the results from the climate survey and recommendations. The recommendations were targeted to reinforce a positive and performance based culture aligned to its growth strategy.

We provided ongoing implementation support and conduct annual climate surveys to serve as their internal gyroscope for growth.


The Company grew top line revenue 100% two years in a row. Talent continues to join the company, and retention has improved. Their positive culture has been commented on in a premier healthcare industry IT blog, and the company was designated by Modern Healthcare as one of the Top 100 Best Places to Work in 2012.