Case study: Mid-sized Medical Device Company

Life Sciences


• Address the President’s frustration with the lack of shared strategic leadership among the executive team in the growth of the company.
• Develop the members of the Senior Management Team into increasingly strong executives who could accomplish the company’s aggressive mission.
• Build the management bench strength by developing a feeder pool from lower down in the management ranks.
• Give all managers constructive feedback to help them calibrate their skills to their current jobs in support of improved business results. Create plans for the ongoing career development of managers at all levels.


• Guided the executive team through a process to design a new Leadership Competency Model to meet the current business goals and future challenges of the company.
• Conducted 360° feedback sessions for the top 65 executives in the company. Supported them in identifying personal development plans. Provided one-on-one coaching in strengthen their leadership skills and abilities.
• Collaborated with the HR group to replicate the assessment/feedback process with approximately 90 additional managers at lower levels. Included training internal managers as 360° process coaches.
• Conducted teambuilding sessions for the Senior Management Team and each executive’s functional leadership team. Participants shared their individual feedback and development plans, identified common strengths and improvement needs and developed strategies for leveraging these insights to improve team effectiveness.
• Brought the Senior Management Team together to examine the themes that emerged from the assessments and create action plans for common development needs that were identified.
• Established follow-up activities to sustain individual and organizational development.


The executive leadership team managed conflict more openly and constructively. During a period of rapid growth with a resultant doubling of revenues, enabled more agile decision-making and a more efficient ramp up of new business activities. Improved individual leadership capabilities and team effectiveness for the extended management team of 8 executives and their 57 direct reports. Identified potential rising stars and planned for the development support they would need to succeed in the long run.