Case study: Newly Acquired Division of a Multi-National Life Sciences Company

Life Sciences


• Support the new General Manager, recently arrived from France on his first US assignment, as he made the difficult transition to his new role as head of an acquired company.
• Enable candid dialogue and help to integrate an executive team that had been fractured by cultural differences (American, French, British, Asian), disparate functional priorities and perspectives and disaffection with some of the GM’s personnel decisions.


• Conducted executive team-building sessions for a multinational management team as they strove to integrate this newly acquired, highly entrepreneurial business acquisition into a new parent corporate entity.
• Provided one-on-one coaching to the CEO and Executive Team Leaders on improving their personal effectiveness and resolving interpersonal conflicts with team members.
• Conducted Dialogue/Conflict mediation sessions between team members to chart a common path forward.


Turned around the negative culture at the top, strengthening executive team relationships, empowering the new GM to truly lead his team through the integration process. Brought a halt to a threatened exodus of several high-level managers.