Kind of ironic that your cultural ambassadors are embracing the wrong (old versus new) culture, don't you think?! But that just makes the shift, when they finally do shift, all the more powerful.
To facilitate that shift, find out what they REALLY think about the new direction, listening for any of the following phrases:
✔ "It's not urgent," which suggests that your JUSTIFICATION FOR THE CHANGE is either insufficient, or counter-productive, in some way.
✔ "It's not real," which suggests that your COMMITMENT TO THE CHANGE is either insufficient, or counter-productive, in some way.
✔ "It's not worth it," which suggests that your WIIFM (What's In It For Me) and WSIL ("pronounced "whistle" – Why Should I Listen?) is either insufficient, or counter-productive, in some way.
✔ "It's not a priority," which suggests that your IMPLEMENTATION PLAN is either insufficient, or counter-productive, in some way.
✔ "It's not possible," which suggests the SKILLS, KNOWLEDGE, AND TOOLS needed or available are either insufficient, or counter-productive, in some way.
Or my favorite,
✔ "This, too, shall pass," which suggests that the REWARDS, RECOGNITION, AND REINFORCERS are either insufficient, or counter-productive, in some way.
Don't try to explain why they're wrong -- instead, focus on how they're exactly right ... and then address those very issues quickly, thoughtfully, and thoroughly.
Do that and your ambassadors will happily – and diligently – help you make good things happen sooner.