The issue you describe is one that is typical when an organization continues to operate on the basis of what worked in the past during times of significant change. This is when they see decline and potentially significant damage to their business. What I get from your introduction is your awareness of the need to change and that's the important first step to pulling out of your current situation.
The approach I have used often is to bring the leadership team together and employ 'break it thinking' (from the book "if It Ain't Broke ... Break It!". The team identifies the realities of today in terms of market in general, customers (who they are and how they may have changed), your processes (how they need to be altered or what new ones do you need to 'fit' in today's world) and finally your product itself (how it needs to look, be sold, etc. to appeal to the buyer of today),
In taking such a full overview you will be able to design your business around today's realities and that will include the warning signs you asked about. Rather than trying to fit yesterday's approach into a different 'today', you will accomplish altering your entire approach to fit the realities of the world you're operating within.