Question: What’s single most important ingredient of a successful customer acquisition strategy?

Looking for marketing and customer acquisition experts to answer the following question: "What's single most important ingredient of a successful customer acquisition strategy?"

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The single most important ingredient of a successful acquisition strategy is to "Know Thy Customer" on a macro and micro level.

Creating a persona for the individuals who make up your target market is a great way to understand your audience at the macro-level.  Who are they? How do they learn? What entertains them? What is their motivation? What are their aspirations? What are their fears?  Intimately understanding your target market will help you create relevant products, messages and marketing which are the first steps in a successful acquisition strategy.

Human-to-human connection is the way to understand your customer on a micro-level.  Engage with people on social media.  Join their conversations.  Care enough to study their profiles, published content, network connections and social media interactions.  Understanding where your individual customer is coming from will help you start a meaningful conversation to deliver something of value.  Only by knowing your customer can you have an acquisition strategy that will attract the right customers for you and your business.