I am a business and organizational consultant with over four decades of experience in strategic human resources management, program design and evaluation, and resource development. My practice has four areas of specialization:
• Human resources. As a certified Senior Professional in Human Resources, I offer guidance to organizations on issues such as policy development, business ethics, diversity, employee selection, and retention strategies. I authored an online diversity course for a financial services firm, and implemented a management development program for a mid-market manufacturer.
• Research and evaluation. I conduct needs assessments, identify resources and perform program evaluations. I managed a major state-funded research Read more
I am a business and organizational consultant with over four decades of experience in strategic human resources management, program design and evaluation, and resource development. My practice has four areas of specialization:
• Human resources. As a certified Senior Professional in Human Resources, I offer guidance to organizations on issues such as policy development, business ethics, diversity, employee selection, and retention strategies. I authored an online diversity course for a financial services firm, and implemented a management development program for a mid-market manufacturer.
• Research and evaluation. I conduct needs assessments, identify resources and perform program evaluations. I managed a major state-funded research project on the impact of a factory closure and studied successful programs that transition persons into the workforce. I conduct studies of needs, and evaluate human services programs
• Grantwriting and proposal preparation. This component revolves around preparing grant applications and proposals to state and federal agencies. My proposals have raised more than $75 million. I am a member of the Association of Grant Professionals.
• Affordable housing development. I promote affordable housing for vulnerable populations (homeless, behaviorally disordered). This work involves documenting housing needs, assembling development teams, site selection, design, marketing, and coordinating public and private financing.
I authored "The Occasional Interviewer," a guidebook used by companies across the U.S., and have provided workshops and seminars through the nation.